Blue Economy Summit Tracks

Blue Investment

Blue Investment - Blue Finance

The blue economy has a value of over $2.4 trillion annually, encompassing diverse sectors like fisheries, coastal tourism, maritime transport, and renewable energy. Despite its potential, sustainable blue businesses often struggle to attract conventional financing due to perceived risks and lack of awareness. Innovative tools like blue bonds and impact investing are emerging to bridge the funding gap, but face scaling challenges and require wider adoption.

The summit will answer some of the concerns in Blue Investment Some of the key challenges that will be unpacked are;

De-risking sustainable blue investment

Addressing financial institutions' concerns about project viability and long-term returns.


Mobilizing capital for diverse ventures

ensuring equitable access to funding for small-scale community projects alongside larger initiatives.


Blended finance and innovative mechanisms

streamlining collaboration between public, private, and philanthropic sectors to support innovative blue ventures.


The summit will answer some of the concerns in Blue Finance. Some of the key challenges that will be unpacked are;

How can we build trust and transparency to unlock more traditional financing for the blue economy?

What regulatory changes or public-private partnerships could accelerate the growth of blended finance and impact investing?

How can we ensure equitable access to capital for diverse actors, empowering local communities and promoting inclusive growth?

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