Hamisi Mwaguya
Chairman, Kenya Maritime Authority
02:00 - 04:00 PM Room B: Blue Investment
Wednesday 2nd Oct
Destination marketing and branding, strategies for promoting Coastal tourism
Keynote: Tuqa Jimo- Manager - Blue economy - WIO, The Nature Conservancy (Role of marine spatial plan as enabler for Blue economy)
Moderator: Judy Gona - CEO Sustainable Travel & Tourism Agenda
- Julius Owino- CEO Kenya Coast Tourism Association
- Ms Lilian Mulupi- Program Officer for Marine- African Director International Fund for Animal Welfare
- Gloria Nyamweru- CEO Go Park Safaris
- Geoffrey Tanui- Marketing Manager Whitesands Hotel
- Hamisi Mwaguya - The East Africa Ocean Festival
- Mwatime Hamadi - Gazi Women Group (women group)
- Jonathan Otieno- Bike is Best (Startup)
- Dickson Mzinga- Crab Shack (Startup)
12:00 - 01:00 PM Room A: Climate
Thursday 3rd Oct
Nexus between greening and commercial interests in the Port, Maritime and Blue economy businesses
Keynote speaker: Mr. Hamisi Mwaguya - Chairman Kenya Maritime Authority
Presentation by PwC on ESG adoption and sustainability goals
- Kenya Ports Authority
- WOMESA- Women Managers in the Maritime Sector in Eastern & Southern Africa
- Shipping lines representatives
- Shipping associations in East Africa
- Kenya Maritime Authority
- Kenya Ports Authority
9:15 - 9:45 AM
Friday 4th Oct
Overview of the summit and tracks- No Moderator Panel
- Victor Otieno- Viffa Consult
- PwC representative
- Jeremy Riro- Fie Consult
- Mr. Hamisi Mwaguya - Chairman Kenya Maritime Authority
Pecha Kucha- Share your passion- Tell your Story