
Enos Masinde Weswa

Country Director, UK-Kenya Tech Hub
02:00 - 03:30 PM Room B: Blue Tech

Thursday 3rd Oct

Technology Driven Solutions for Ocean Conservation and Sustainability

Key Note- Enos Weswa- UK-Kenya Tech Hub 

FCDO Launch of Report On Baseline Survey On The Blue Economy In Kenya by PwC

Moderator: UK Expert/ PwC


  1. Jeremia Ougo- UN Habitat
  2. Jeremy Thuku  - Total Energies
  3. Olivier Vanden Eynde- Close the Gap (Investor)
  4. Sifa Kinoti- Climate Advocate
  5. Joy Koech- Blue Earth (Youth Climate advocate)

Show Cases

No Cod Startups


9:45 - 10:45 AM

Friday 4th Oct


New Projects alert! 

  • Tech Bridge & Sote Hub (Anton)
  • Sote Hub and GIZ (Brenda Kibiku- GIZ)
  • Sote Hub and UK Kenya Tech- Soko Plug ( Enos Weswa)
  • Sote Hub and KIEP- SKIES
  • Ande and Sote Hub 


  • Announcement of new fund (Coral Fund- Miamba Yetu Project)
  • EAVCA funding announcement and follow on areas
  • Spatial Mapping of Blue Economy resources- The Nature Conservancy
  • Baseline on Kenya’s BE- Study by FCDO